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How do I Find a Niche byIf you haven’t heard the word ‘niche’ being batted around by Internet Marketers then you haven’t been listening. Finding a niche has become the antidote to competing in overly saturated online markets. According to Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary a niche is described as "a place, employment, status, or activity for which a person or thing is best fitted. a specialized market". Have you noticed that despite the closing of many businesses in these harsh economic times, the local hobby train store is still around? That the ‘hole in the wall’ eatery is thriving? Or that trends such as scrapbooking can start with a bang and still close within a year when four similar businesses start up in the same area? The online business world reflects the same trends as experienced in the offline world often with faster turnover and startup rates. Those who promote a product or site that targets a small, select audience can tap into a market that
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Blogue des correspondants Il parat que CGC part aujourd’hui aux US. Le message, envoy par une amie, est atterri dans ma bote de textos le samedi 19 mai 14 h pile. Chen Guangcheng CGC pour les intimes allait s’envoler quelques heures plus tard bord d’un avion de la United Airlines vers les tats Unis. C’tait le dnouement d’une partie de bras de fer diplomatique entre les deux plus grandes puissances mondiales :la Chine de plus en plus sre d’elle mme, qui ne s’en laisse pas imposer, et les tats Unis, champions fatigus l’toile plissante. Aujourd’hui, Chen est tudiant en droit NYU, l’Universit de New York. Sa femme et lui chercheraient une cole pour leurs deux enfants. La famille a t aperue dans un parc le lendemain de son arrive. Aprssept ans de rsidence surveille et de dtention arbitraire, Chen peut enfin souffler un peu. Le petit village de Dongshigu, au Shandong, est toujours sous haute surveillance,
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